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SUMMARY | 2.1 |
It is very complex to find a trustworthy professional writing service which is capable of supplying you with quality papers in time. And if you have already searched on the internet, numerous websites are offering almost the same for affordable prices. PaperCheap is not exclusion, but it attracts students by a bright and funny design and promises to deliver the best quality academic papers.
- Guaranteed in time delivery
- Cheap quality service
Recent Customers Feedbacks
Evan: “I’ll be honest: I used this service because of its name. I googled ‘cheap paper service’ and this one caught my attention. Little did I know: the prices are actually expensive. I didn’t know because I didn’t compare it with other services. The essay wasn’t anything special. It was below the quality level that I ordered.”
Lucas: “Don’t let the name trick you. The service is expensive. But the papers – those are cheap in quality, indeed. Mine looked like it was written by an elementary school student. I ordered MA level.”
Types of Services
We didn’t manage to find the full-service list with featured included on the website. Some of the services are in the footer, some at the top navigation, but there is no single word about dissertation writing, research papers, lab reports or any other complex service student might need. However, all these services are listed under order form along with essays and assignments which are described on the website. Of course, there are plenty of services listed under order form, but no one guarantees what will be included in your order and if this service is capable of delivering papers of that type.
Prices and Payment Methods
On the main page, you can find the price per page. Additionally, you can calculate the total cost for your order with the help of online calculator on the Pricing page of the website. The price depends on the deadline, student level and of course the number of pages. The minimum deadline is only 4 hours, and the maximum is 14 days. We have noticed a cool feature; their online calculator shows an expected delivery date. Prices are cheap at first glance, but when you look closely, you see that price starts from 10 USD for high school students and 25 USD for the doctoral level. Which is quite expensive comparing with other services.
Paper cheap accepts Visas and Master Cards, and Pay Pal. Other payment options are not available here.
Discounts and Special Offers
Even having high prices, PaperCheap offers excellent discount options, which makes them very attractive for the students. You can find currently available discounts on the website or contact support to ask for Off on your next order with them.
This service offers unlimited free revisions with each paper which is a benefit.
Quality of the Paper
So to form a full view of this service we decided to place an order. We had asked for essay help. Our history essay needed to be three pages long with four sources cited. It was a university student essay, so the expected quality was very high. After we placed an order admin contacted us and asked for payment. After that, according to his words, a writer will start working on our paper. The deadline we set was 24 hours, so the paper was expensive.
The paper was delivered in time, but the language and phrases used applied only for a college student. Additionally, the writer forgot to include one source, so we asked for the revision. The source was added but, unfortunately, the overall quality was not improved.
Is the Site Easy to Use?
At first glance, this service has easy to use the bright website. However, the orders form is quite complicated to understand and they need to do something with the navigation and design. The text sometimes is not readable and there are numerous issues with the layout.
Customer Support
Customer care is professional and friendly. We contacted them two times before and after order, and most time they were available. According to the website, they are proud to offer 24/7 support via chat, email and UK phone.
The paper we have got from Papercheap service was of good quality for the college-level student. So if you are looking for such a service, it is a good fit if you would like to pay more. A great benefit of this service is its support which can offer a lot to the client.